Blog Post


  • By Teddy Sage
  • 28 Jan, 2017

its not the paycheck, its the culture!

Millennials seem to get a bad rap these days. Everyone has their opinion; none seem to be very favorable, even unfair at times.


Entitled, lazy, impatient, socially awkward, addicted to instant gratification, and the biggest criticism of all, is the fear of commitment whether professionally or on a personal level.


We at Teddy Sage are very familiar with this generation’s reputation.


Our office overflows with giggles and endearing questions about different corporate processes and simple banking procedures in the morning. Of course, the universal quibble of the youth, questions about love and life also take center stage from time to time.


One thing that we have discovered is that this generation is judged unfairly. Yes, there are a few bad apples but it doesn’t mean that the whole harvest is ruined. Majority of these young minds are still a gold mine waiting to be discovered and be given the chance to shine.


Granted they are impatient, wanting to be everything in a shorter period of time; unable to see that knowledge and wisdom cannot be feigned, at times they have difficulty to comprehend that talent needs cultivating and mentorship, they are incapable in seeing that hard work, patience and perseverance is the elixir to most of life’s predicaments – but I remember youth treating me the same way. I would walk around with an S on my chest and pretend that my intellect was far more superior to any of my peers. I wouldn’t say that is it the fault of their generation but we can chalk it up to the arrogance of youth. Young male lions always try to puff up their chest and roar a little louder, everyone tries to overcompensate when they know something is lacking. Even Sun Tzu espouses that you make your enemies think you are strong where you are weak to gain advantage.


Not that I’m not excusing everything that this generation has been labeled with, yes there are some empirical truth to the hasty judgment handed down to the millennials, but let’s not act like we never went through the same criticisms.


Every generation thinks they are better than the one succeeding them, its just how the cookie crumbles.


Yes this generation might be clumsy with their emotions, impatient with their interactions, unable to grasp intimacy like the old timers do, but one thing to consider; this generation has to cope with more pressure than any other generation before it.


Personally I wouldn’t know how I would have fared if I grew up as a millennial. There’s too much noise, too many people to please, too many likes to keep count, too many people to tag, too many selfies to take and retake, too many live feeds to keep up with, too many status messages to write, too many profiles to update, its is just too overwhelming! But the millennials are able to do it – and they should be given credit for it. For me, it’s almost impossible to have a serious relationship with anyone when everything is just too virtual and instant.


I think given the card they have been dealt with, most of these young minds are coping pretty well.


Teddy Sage has found its stride with millennials. One thing that we have figured out is very simple. They just want to belong and find their purpose – just like everyone else.


Not such a big secret after all, to us there is no conundrum or riddle to solve, for us in Teddy Sage it is all about commitment and culture. If we can show our young work force that we are here not only for their talent but also for their well-being, we have fulfilled our purpose, both socially and in the corporate level.


Teddy Sage is lucky to have such a young, bright workforce in its midst.


And as we brave the tempestuous waters of the corporate world, we are confident that we are steadily anchored by the innovative ways of these young, brash, impatient millennials.

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